Monday, February 4, 2008


Okay, this may be an intestesting blog or it may be one that nobody is interested in at all. Nevertheless I will write it and some will actually read it...interesting. Make a list of situations that you want to occur in your life. These things cannot be just anything, but must be both exciting and unexpected. Now you may not have any idea what I am talking about so I will provide some allaborate examples that articulates my point to perfection...maybe.

1) You are busy working on a project and are wondering what you are going to eat for lunch. At this exact moment of wonderment your girlfriend, or wife, if you happen to be a little older, come and bring you a wonderful sub from subway...simply stunning

These situations hardly ever come about, and when they do there is nothing to do expect mutter "glorious". I actually had one of these "glorious" moments on Friday.
in life. These things cannot just be anything, but must be exciting, unexpected. This situation are not only rare, but simply glorious. I myself had one of these such events...anyway what i am trying to say in a small creative way is that we had a snow day the day I had a math exam....sweet

This blog....pure trash, sorry.


Katrina VandenBerg said...

can't say I would compare it to getting a Subway sandwhich... but I concure.

Yesterday was another one of those needed "glorious" moments!

Anonymous said...

haha. you can't write something and then insult your reader by calling it pure trash after they've already read it. Now write another one, and write it well! It's been too long, you have a public responsibility now.